the beginning

We bought our house in August of 2012. I had searched real estate listings continually for three years, meeting up with several different realtors along the way. Finally my husband Tony and I decided to shelve the idea of homeownership for a little while; stash the dreams away and just continue renting and saving money. Sitting on our warm leather couch that night, I decided to search our local MLS listings one last time. I couldn't belive what I was seeing when our house popped up; over four thousand square feet, overlooking a lake, almost two acres of gorgeous forest stretching down to a private pond. I started reading out the listing to Tony, who scoffed and chuckled, thinking I was making it all up. "Tony! I'm serious! This is it! We have to go see this place!"
So we did. And five years later, we're still here.  Join us as we find joy in the small things, dabbling in paint and laughing in the sawdust. Because we love it here- and
I think you will too.


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