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F i r e p l a c e : Main Floor

         When we moved in five years ago, one of the things we liked about our new, drafty home in beautiful but fearfully cold Alaska were the gas fi replaces; one on the main level and one in the master bedroom. But the rock facade encasing them was truly hideous and wildly dated, complete with BLACK GROUT.  On a daring day during the first year or so I painted them both pale blue, and it was a slight improvement, but only slight.      Last month Tony had some unplanned days off, so we set a budget and re-did the first fireplace. I use the term "we" in such a loose manner... my job was limited to cheerleading. I wish I had thought to take an actual before picture, but I'm not that together. Maybe next time.      Everyone getting in on the action, even Naomi who is less than two! She makes up for her diminutive stature by making a lot of noise.         So this is the closest thing I've got ...

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